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Vivek Ramaswamy, Entrepreneur and Author of the forthcoming Book “Woke Inc.”

This evening with the Liberty Forum gave me hope. I felt the energy of the audience even thought I could not see them on my computer screen - through the rigor of the questions they asked, the sharpness of their live comments, and the way that the moderator channeled their many ideas into a spirited dialogue. If this group is representative of today’s conservative movement in America, then I believe our future remains bright. They left me as motivated as ever to do my small part for our country, and I fully expect that everyone in this group will do theirs too.

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Adam Andrzejewski, CEO/Co-Founder, OpenTheBooks

Yes, there are California Patriots (just like there are Illinois patriots)! We share a common bond - as witness to history. We are fighting institutional threats to individual freedom and liberty. You helped steel my spine for the difficult road ahead! Amazing that such a strong group of principled people are in Silicion Valley and it is a privilege to fight these battles locked arm in arm with you. Our work is just beginning. In Solidarity - let’s roll!

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Michelle Malkin, Television Commentator, Blogger, Columnist, Author

“W-O-W. I've been a public speaker for more than 25 years and I say this without an iota of hyperbole: The Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley rocked my world. The group's leaders and event planners are consummate professionals who managed every logistical detail seamlessly. Turnout was flabbergasting — filled to the rafters. I greatly enjoyed meeting members and attendees of all ages and walks of life. Who knew so many fired-up, loud-and-proud, liberty-loving, red-blooded patriots occupied Big Tech's Ground Zero? At a time in America when fear and hatred have hijacked so many public places and spaces, the Liberty Forum stands out as a bastion of free speech, association, and discussion. I won't forget the warmth, courage, and spirit of your remarkable club. Onward!”

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James O'Keefe, Guerilla journalist; founder of Project Veritas

“It was extremely cool working with the Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley, one of the few bastions of economic freedom remaining on the west coast.  As an institution which values individual liberty over redistributionist policies and the free market over cronyism, their goals are near and dear to my heart.”

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John Yoo, Emanuel S. Heller Professor of Law at UC Berkeley, Constitutional Scholar, Author

“The Liberty Forum is the West Berlin of the 21st Century.  It is a shining symbol of free speech, democracy, and capitalism surrounded by left-wing governments!  I was proud to join their conversation, during this difficult time, about the Constitution, our nation’s history, and the future of the American Presidency.  I could not ask for a more prepared, engaged, and lively discussion — even in the age of Zoom!”

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Larry Elder, Radio Host, Author, Attorney, Documentary Filmmaker

“It was such an honor to address such an enthusiastic group of pro liberty Bay Area thinkers. America was founded on the principle of a limited government, bound by the Constitution, that governs only by the consent of the people. The Liberty Forum, in a tough leftwing environment, is fighting the fight to enlighten those who never knew this--and to remind those who have forgotten.”

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Andrew C. McCarthy, Senior Fellow & Contributing Editor at National Review Institute, Author

“This was my second visit to the Liberty Forum, and it was every bit as much a pleasure, and more, as my first time. We had a big, engaged audience. They were warm and courteous, but very informed about what has been going on in Washington. They had probing questions, and if anything was clear, it is that these lovers of liberty are not anti-government; they want limited government … they want the government they have to be effective.”

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Trevor Loudon, New Zealand Author, Speaker, Political Activist

“I have addressed the [Conservative] Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley twice now and it remains one of my favorite venues. The audiences are large, engaged and appreciative. Who would have dreamed that one of the best liberty groups in the country operates behind enemy lines in the heart of Silicon Valley.”

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Nick Adams, Author, Speaker, Founder of the Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness (FLAG)

“For the Romans, it was the Coliseum. For Spartans, it was their shield. And for today's conservative gladiators, it's the [Conservative] Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley. No greater honor exists than taking the stage and addressing this embassy of traditional America in the unlikeliest of places. This outpost of freedom is an inspirational reminder and reinforcement of why discounting America is a terrible idea. The heartbeat of liberty among these patriots is deafening. A most memorable evening -- one for the ages!”

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Richard A. Epstein, Legal scholar, professor, author, commentator

“Even in Zoomland it was clear that the audience from the Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley was a pleasure to work with. The people signed on stayed on, and the questions that came from the group showed their sophistication in asking the right questions on a hard topic. Under happier circumstances, I would love to speak to that group in person.”

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Jason Riley, Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow, Wall Street Journal Columnist, Political Commentator, Speaker

“At a time when dissenting points of view have become not only unwelcome but met with violence by people who claim to champion 'tolerance,' outlets like the [Conservative] Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley are more essential than ever. It was my pleasure to spend an evening with people who aren't afraid to think independently, however unfashionable that's become in today's environment.”

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Michael Medved, Nationally Syndicated Radio Talk Show Host, Film Critic, Best-Selling Author

“The Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley performs a valuable public service: presenting conservative points of view that challenge the smug certainties of one of the most politically correct and progressive corners of the country. This is a well-organized platform with a large, lively, impassioned audience to reward any speaker willing to take on conventional wisdom and to engage wide-awake questioners. My experience with the Liberty Forum proved enjoyable and stimulating from beginning to end.”

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Pamela Geller, Political activist & writer, known for anti-jihad advocacy

“It was exciting and gratifying to spend an evening with the Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley. This superb forum is truly the voice of the people: a place where the principles of freedom and individual rights are not only celebrated, but discussed in light of current events with a resolute and conscious rejection of the politically correct anti-Americanism that so hampers the public discourse today. To be able to add the Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley to the list of places where I have spoken was an honor for me.”

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Jim DeMint, US Senator (R-South Carolina); President, Heritage Foundation

“The Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley stands as an outpost of freedom in the heartland of American tech innovation. It gives voice to the founding principles of our nation in a time and place where these principles are increasingly attacked, and serves to remind Californians—and all Americans—that the road to a prosperous and bright future lies in embracing our timeless heritage of liberty.”

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Charles Cooke, National Review fellow

“It was a pleasure to talk to the Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley, and not only because, congregated deep within opposition territory, it felt a touch conspiratorial. That so many members came out to the event is a testament to the group's commitment to fighting for the values that have made America exceptional, even in a place where they are generally unappreciated. The question-and-answer period was particularly thought-provoking. No speaker should hit California without stopping by the Liberty Forum.”

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