Bill Gertz
China expert, author
April 14, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST
China's Role in the Covid-19 Crisis
How China contributed to the global Covid-19 pandemic
Trevor Loudon
Best-selling author
March 10, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST
The Communist Takeover of the Democrat Party
Mr. Loudon’s remarkable investigative work has revealed that what is commonly regarded as mainstream political policy is in fact driven and guided by hidden subversive elements. The Democratic party’s consistent defunding of the US military, Obamacare, the Iran Nuclear Deal, normalization of relations with Cuba, Islamic refugee re-settlement, $15 minimum wage, fracking bans, pipeline shutdowns and the push for illegal alien amnesty are all consistent with far-left and Islamist agendas.
Michelle Malkin
Best-selling author
Feb 11, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST
Open Borders, Inc.: Who Is Funding America's Destruction?
Until recently, a national consensus held that America should be in control of its border, and that the laws on the books should be applied fairly and dispassionately to determine who can enter the United States. No more. The modern Democratic Party seems to be all-in for open borders, and, until President Trump's insurgent candidacy of 2016 shocked the political world, Republicans were at best tepid in their defense of our borders. No country can survive if it doesn't control its own borders. This used to be considered common sense. But now, if you oppose open borders, you will surely be accused of racism if not worse. This change didn't happen in a vacuum. Powerful interests with substantial resources (and a penchant for secrecy) helped usher in a new age and new attitudes about immigration. Conservative super-star Michelle Malkin exposes these shadowy actors and reveals who is funding America's destruction.
James Lileks
Nationally-syndicated pundit; best-selling author, columnist, podcaster, blogger
January 14, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST
The Midwest vs. Coastal Elites: a Family Squabble, or Civil War?
If you ever feel like the United States is splitting into two countries, you aren’t alone. Attitudes in the “Blue” states along the coasts and the “Red” states in the heartland are diverging. It’s as though we can’t even agree on basic facts any more. And the folks who call themselves “tolerant” seem to get less tolerant of disagreement every day. Puzzled? Frustrated? Aggravated? Join the club! (Literally - we’re always looking for new members!) Nationally syndicated pundit James Lileks shares his perspective on the split between the Midwest and the Coastal elites.
Nick Adams
Founder, Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness
December 10, 2019 | 7:00 pm PST
Teaching Love of the United States
Nick Adams, founder of the Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness (FLAG), immigrated to the United States in 2016. Since then he has tirelessly extolled the virtues of the American concept of liberty.
John J. Miller
Hillsdale Journalism Chair
November 12, 2019 | 7:00 pm PST
Living in the Age of Fake News
The age of Fake News is upon us. CNN has succumbed to Trump Derangement Syndrome. MS-NBC seamlessly merges opinion with fact. CBS tries to take down a president with blatant lies, and calls their smears "fake but accurate" when they are caught. Can any reporter be trusted? Surely not every journalist is a biased hack...right? Hillsdale Journalism Chair John J. Miller reports on the state of Fake News - why it seems so prevalent; how you can detect it; and what ordinary citizens can do to fight back. Prof. Miller is known to be one of the best literary journalists in the country. He is a gifted speaker with remarkable insights.
Candace Owens
Founder, #BLEXIT; former Communications Director, Turning Point USA
October 15, 2019 | 7:00 pm PST
Blexit! The Black Exodus From the Party of Dependency
Superstar Candace Owens is leading the way in showing black Americans that liberty and economic opportunity is a better path forward than dependency on a government handout - and showing them which political party leads the way in the right direction. Candace Owens left the Democrat party in 2016 and launched the BLEXIT movement, showing black Americans that the Democrat Party does NOT have their best interest at heart. Her powerful testimony to Congress explains that the real problem facing Black America is not white supremacy (which is a tiny, fringe occurence), but rather the absence of fathers. She is single-handedly leading thousands off the Democrat plantation. Her Twitter exchanges with the likes of Kanye West and Donald Trump have become the stuff of legend.
Kay Coles James
President, Heritage Foundation
September 10, 2019 | 7:00 pm PST
Charting True North: the Future of the Conservative Movement
Kay Coles James scared Google so badly, they disbanded an advisory board they created before it could even meet. As President of the Heritage Foundation, America's premiere conservative think tank, Ms. James is an articulate defender of the values of America's founding. Leftists threw a fit when Google put her on an advisory panel earlier this year. Rather than defend the decision to include someone who might not agree with the liberal party line, Google scrapped the panel altogether. (Nothing says "tolerance" like refusing to tolerate a black woman who thinks for herself.) She is no stranger to public policy and leadership. She has been making conservative solutions a reality in all levels of government and academia for over 30 years. She is a thought leader whose position at the helm of the Heritage Foundation cements her legacy as a leading light of the conservative movement.
Andrew McCarthy
National Review columnist; former Assistant US Attorney for the Southern District of New York
August 13, 2019 | 7:00 pm PST
The Mueller Probe
The hysteria brought on by the radical left in opposition to President Trump has done incalculable damage to the country. Credulous journalists were convinced that Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Trump administration would reveal collusion with a foreign government that would end his presidency – or at least cripple it, to prevent his policies from being enacted. Instead the Mueller probe ended with a whimper – no collusion. And yet the left persists in repeating its discredited accusations of scandal. Was Mueller's probe legitimate? Or was it, as some believe, a soft coup - an attempt to reverse the 2016 election and take down President Trump. Andrew McCarthy, the prosecutor who gained fame putting the blind sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and his cohorts in prison, has spent countless hours investigating the investigators. Mr. McCarthy is a senior fellow and columnist at National Review. Mr. McCarthy reveals what he has learned.
Kathy Platoni
War trauma expert; retired Army colonel
July 9, 2019 | 7:00 pm PST
What Really Happened at Fort Hood
Despite saturation media coverage of the 2009 Fort Hood shooting, the truth of the event remains shrouded in mystery. War trauma expert Dr. Kathy Platoni witnessed the slaughter first-hand. She will join us to share what really happened the day an Islamic lunatic infiltrated the US Army and murdered his fellow soldiers en masse.
Damien Schiff
Senior attorney at the Pacific Legal Foundation
June 11, 2019 | 7:00 pm PST
In Defense of Property Rights: Protecting Private Citizens Against Government Overreach
Ronald Reagan famously said that the nine scariest words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." There is much truth behind this wry humor. Government bureaucrats wield enormous power to take private property, or to encumber it in ways that make it effectively unusable. But what can a private citizen do against the awesome power of government? Damien Schiff, Senior Attorney at the Pacific Legal Foundation, has an answer. Mr. Schiff defends families against government infringement of landowner rights. He focuses on private property rights, especially environmental and land-use issues.
Marc Morano
Former Republican political aide and founder of
May 14, 2019 | 7:00 pm PST
Climate Hustle: Debunking the Climate Change Hoax
If you listen to liberals, you might think the Earth is constantly on the verge of destruction - and the only way to stop it is to give government more control over your life. Elite liberals are only too happy to sacrifice YOUR lifestyle choices to prevent the disaster on the horizon. And the threat has inexplicably evolved over the past several decades: remember nuclear winter, or global warming? Every time the data doesn't fit the desired conclusion, the rules of the game change. Marc Morano, founder of, has done phenomenal work exposing the fraud. He is a prominent skeptic of the modern dogma that mankind (and especially the US) is making choices that are causing the climate to change. He is the author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change. Come see him live and in person, and learn how you can help defend liberty against the hoax known as Climate Change.
Father Robert Sirico
An American Roman Catholic priest, and the founder of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty of Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is a political, religious, and cultural commentator
April 9, 2019 | 7:00 pm PST
Defending the Free Market: The Moral Case for a Free Economy
Father Robert Sirico is the founder of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty. In his popular book, Defending the Free Market: The Moral Case for a Free Economy, Rev. Sirico shows how a free economy is not only the best way to meet society's material needs but also the surest protection of human dignity against government encroachment. Animated by a strong sense of social justice, he began a well-intentioned but ill-conceived career in leftist activism until a serious grappling with the principles of economics (and reality) led him to reevaluate his commitments, and discover the moral foundation of a flourishing society.
Rob Long
American writer and television producer in Hollywood, screenwriter and executive producer for the long-running television program Cheers
March 12, 2019 | 7:00 pm PST
Stop Whining and Start Rolling! How Conservatives Could Own the Culture If They'd Just Stop Complaining About It
Award-winning Hollywood writer / producer Rob Long says that if conservatives would stop complaining and refocus their energy, they could own the culture and take it back from liberals!
Dennis Prager
Nationally syndicated conservative radio talk show host and writer. Founder, Prager University
February 12, 2019 | 7:00 pm PST
The Bigger the Government, the Smaller the Citizen
Dennis Prager discusses some of his favorite themes, explaining how bigger Government - of the sort advocated by so many on the Left today - leads to smaller citizens.
Pete Peterson
Dean, Pepperdine University School of Public Policy
January 9, 2019 | 7:00 pm PST
US Colleges: Irredeemably Leftist... Or Is There Hope?
Pete Peterson, Dean of Pepperdine University's School of Public Policy, is a leader of a growing "Viewpoint Diversity" movement that seeks to restore balance to college campuses. He shares his ideas on how “sanity” may soon be back on the syllabus.
Andrew Klavan
Author, screenplay writer, podcaster
December 11, 2018 | 7:00 pm PST
The Midterms: What the Heck Just Happened??
Andrew shares his insights into the midterm elections, and helps us understand: what just happened??
David French
Senior writer for National Review, a senior fellow at the National Review Institute, and veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom
November 13, 2018 | 7:00 pm PST
The Threat of Intolerance
National Review senior writer David French explains how the First Amendment can protect us from the intolerant society the Left is trying to create.
Dan Bongino
Former Secret Service agent, bestselling author, podcast host
October 22, 2018 | 7:00 pm PST
Spygate: The Biggest Scandal in American History
Former Secret Service agent and bestselling author Dan Bongino tells us about Spygage, arguably the biggest political scandal in American history.
Reihan Salam
Executive editor, National Review
October 9, 2018 | 7:00 pm PST
The Impact of Immigration: Melting Pot or Civil War?
National Review executive editor Reihan Salam asks: will the America of the future be peaceful and united, or will it be filled with strife?