Past Dave Graubart Past Dave Graubart

Salena Zito

National Political Reporter

December 8, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST

The Conservative Populist Coalition: Durable, Expanding, Younger, and More Diverse Than Ever

Salena Zito examines what she calls the "Conservative Populist" coalition that placed Donald Trump in office in 2016. It was not the black swan event many critics suggested it was.

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Past Dave Graubart Past Dave Graubart

John Matze, Jeffrey Wernick, Chris Pavlovski

November 10, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST

Free Speech Online - Panel Discussion with Parler and Rumble

Wide-scale censorship of conservative voices by social media titans have suppressed discussion of corruption and possible vote fraud before, during and after the presidential election. Liberty Forum proudly presents the leaders of two social media startups, Parler and Rumble, to report from the front lines in the battle between free speech and tech tyranny.

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Past Dave Graubart Past Dave Graubart

Kurt A. Schlichter

Trial lawyer, conservative pundit, author, stand-up comic

October 13, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST

The Coming Crisis and the Path to Conservative Victory

Kurt is a rising star in conservative punditry and definitely should not be missed. If you haven't already had the chance to enjoy his acerbic wit coupled with mordant political commentary, please be sure to seek out his incisive work in media outlets such as, Breitbart, RealClearPolitics, The Federalist, American Greatness and as a frequent guest host on the Salem Radio Network.

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Past Dave Graubart Past Dave Graubart

John Yoo

Constitutional scholar, author

September 8, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST

Defender-in-Chief: Trump's Constitutional Battles

Berkeley Law Professor John Yoo is very comfortable around controversy, but voting for Donald Trump in 2016 was a step too far. Now he realizes he was wrong - that Trump campaigns like a populist, but governs like a constitutional conservative. One of America's best-known conservative constitutional scholars, Professor Yoo is the Emanuel Heller Professor of Law at the University of California at Berkeley, a Visiting Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and a Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

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Past Dave Graubart Past Dave Graubart

Andy Ngo

Journalist, author, editor-at-large of The Post Millennial

August 11, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST

Antifa's Revolt Against America

From coast to coast, a far-left revolutionary movement calling itself “antifa” has organized mass violence on the streets of major American cities. Despite its well-documented track record of extremism, antifa finds support on the mainstream left. Few reporters have dared to get close enough to expose this radical rabble of rioters. Andy Ngo, editor-at-large of The Post Millennial, has done so, enduring not only threats but repeated physical assaults, to shine a light on these thugs.

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Past Dave Graubart Past Dave Graubart

Damien Schiff

Senior Attorney, Pacific Legal Foundation

July 14, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST

Liberties and Limitations in a Time of Crisis

It often feels like we are living through a never-ending series of national crises. Mr. Schiff's talk focuses on the constitutional basis of emergency powers, the California Emergency Services Act, and how the courts view emergency measures that infringe on property and contract rights.

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Past Dave Graubart Past Dave Graubart

Scott W. Atlas, MD

Robert Wesson Senior Fellow of Scientific Philosophy and Public Policy at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University

June 23, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST

COVID-19 Science, Policy and Lessons to be Learned

Many officials continue to pursue a COVID-19 mitigation policy of broad societal lockdown focusing on containing the spread of the disease at all costs, instead of the original objective of “flattening the curve” and preventing hospital overcrowding. Although well-intentioned, the lockdown was imposed without consideration of its consequences beyond those directly resulting from the pandemic. Dr. Atlas will relate how continuing these lockdown policies are yielding devastating ramifications far beyond the damage of the virus itself.

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Past Dave Graubart Past Dave Graubart

June Gilliam

Public speaker offering insights about China

June 9, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST

China, Coronavirus and the Real Solution

An inside look at China from a former member of the Chinese Communist Party.

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Past Dave Graubart Past Dave Graubart

Steven Hayward

Author, political commentator

May 12, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST

Why This Crisis is Like No Other

The COVID-19 crisis hit shockingly hard and fast, and has upended every aspect of our lives, not least our liberties. The result is a crisis like none we have experienced in our lifetimes. It has been compared to a war, albeit against an invisible enemy with an objective we haven't defined.

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Past Dave Graubart Past Dave Graubart

Bill Gertz

China expert, author

April 14, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST

China's Role in the Covid-19 Crisis

How China contributed to the global Covid-19 pandemic

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Past Dave Graubart Past Dave Graubart

Trevor Loudon

Best-selling author

March 10, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST

The Communist Takeover of the Democrat Party

Mr. Loudon’s remarkable investigative work has revealed that what is commonly regarded as mainstream political policy is in fact driven and guided by hidden subversive elements. The Democratic party’s consistent defunding of the US military, Obamacare, the Iran Nuclear Deal, normalization of relations with Cuba, Islamic refugee re-settlement, $15 minimum wage, fracking bans, pipeline shutdowns and the push for illegal alien amnesty are all consistent with far-left and Islamist agendas.

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Past Dave Graubart Past Dave Graubart

Michelle Malkin

Best-selling author

Feb 11, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST

Open Borders, Inc.: Who Is Funding America's Destruction?

Until recently, a national consensus held that America should be in control of its border, and that the laws on the books should be applied fairly and dispassionately to determine who can enter the United States. No more. The modern Democratic Party seems to be all-in for open borders, and, until President Trump's insurgent candidacy of 2016 shocked the political world, Republicans were at best tepid in their defense of our borders. ​No country can survive if it doesn't control its own borders. This used to be considered common sense. But now, if you oppose open borders, you will surely be accused of racism if not worse. ​This change didn't happen in a vacuum. Powerful interests with substantial resources (and a penchant for secrecy) helped usher in a new age and new attitudes about immigration. Conservative super-star Michelle Malkin exposes these shadowy actors and reveals who is funding America's destruction.

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Past Dave Graubart Past Dave Graubart

James Lileks

Nationally-syndicated pundit; best-selling author, columnist, podcaster, blogger

January 14, 2020 | 7:00 pm PST

The Midwest vs. Coastal Elites: a Family Squabble, or Civil War?

If you ever feel like the United States is splitting into two countries, you aren’t alone. Attitudes in the “Blue” states along the coasts and the “Red” states in the heartland are diverging. It’s as though we can’t even agree on basic facts any more. And the folks who call themselves “tolerant” seem to get less tolerant of disagreement every day. Puzzled? Frustrated? Aggravated? Join the club! (Literally - we’re always looking for new members!) Nationally syndicated pundit James Lileks shares his perspective on the split between the Midwest and the Coastal elites.

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