Dr. Ryan Cole, Steve Kirsch, Josh Yoder, Jessica Barsotti - February 2023
American Medicine: The New Tyranny
The Road to Restoring Freedom
A Panel Discussion
Tuesday, February 7, 2023 | 7:00 pm PST
Dr. Ryan Cole, Steve Kirch,
Steve Yoder, Jessica Barsotti
Covid hysteria has turned out to be one of the most destructive forces in world history. It has caused entire nations to destroy their own economies. Here in the United States, it has led us to eliminate freedoms we’ve taken for granted for 250 years. And it has upended longstanding norms of scientific decision-making. Formerly free and open debate has given way to incomprehensible censorship along with exhortations to “trust the science.” Mask mandates, lockdowns, social distancing, and coerced experimental medical procedures are now, tragically, a part of the American fabric. Even the very word “vaccine” has arguably lost all meaning.
The evidence for these assertions has been steadily mounting over the past 18 months. Formerly confidential internal communications at Twitter, the social media giant acquired last year by Elon Musk, have laid bare the extent to which Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Government have colluded to keep us all in the dark.
How did we get here? Is there a way back to freedom and rational scientific thought? Can our institutions someday recover the credibility they’ve spent three years shredding – and is there any reason to think they want to?
A distinguished panel of experts and leaders explored these questions.
Presented in partnership with the Children's Health Defense - California Chapter
Dr. Ryan Cole, Mayo-trained pathologist, was one of the earliest to send up a warning about the safety of the “shots” and is one of the most prominent scientists speaking round the world, challenging the narrative with sober credibility.
Steve Kirsch, successful entrepreneur, inventor, and, most recently, founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation will return to update us on his relentless efforts to expose the staggering damage done to American health in the name of fighting a pandemic. Steve’s million-dollar challenge to debate him is still on the table.
Josh Yoder, brave pilot for a major US airline who co-founded and is president of US Freedom Flyers, standing up to the mandates.
Jessica Barsotti, experienced litigator and mother who is fighting the mandates not only to defend freedom but also to protect her own children from involuntary medical experimentation.